Student Resources
Student Resources
Empowerlife Kinesiology Classes
Climates™ of the TCM Elements
Elements & the Body: Emotions
Elements & the Body: Nutrition
Elements and Meridians
Elements & the BodyClock MuscleGroup™ System
Elementos – Element within the Element
Heart Centered Chakra Touch™ The Basics
Heart Centered Chakra Touch™ 2
Heart Centered Chakra Touch™ & Emotional Balancing
Meridian Switching
Learning Enhancement Acupressure Program Classes
Brain Integration 1
Brain Integration 1B – Glial Cells
Brain Integration 2
Brain Integration 3
Brain Integration 4
Brain Integration 5
LEAP Environmental Factors
Simply The Brain: Introduction to the Brain
Neuroenergetic Kinesiology Classes
Advanced Physiology
Balancing the 5 Elements
Body Structure
Brain Formatting
Brain Hologram A
Brain Hologram B
Brain Hologram C
Brain Hologram D
Cardiovascular Pathology
Celestial Chakra Hologram
Chakra Hologram 1
Chakra Hologram 2
Chakra Hologram 4
Chakra Metaphors
Digestive Pathology
Ear Pathology
Endocrine Pathology
Eye Pathology
Haemolymphoid & Immune Pathology
Histamine Intolerance
Hormone Hologram
I Ching Hologram
Immune & Vaccination Pathways 1
Immune & Vaccination Pathways 2
Integumentary Pathology
Leaky Gut
Musculoskeletal Pathology
Nervous Pathology
Neuroemotional Pathways 1
Neuroemotional Pathways 2
Neuroemotional Pathways 3
Neuroemotional Pathways 4
Neurotransmitter Hologram
Nutrition Hologram A
Nutrition Hologram B
Nutrition Hologram C
Physiology Formatting
Primitive Reflexes and the Brainstem 1
Primitive Reflexes and the Brainstem 2
Primitive Reflexes and the Brainstem 3
Pyrrole & Methylation Pathways
Reproductive Pathology
Respiratory Pathology
Urinary Pathology
Sound and Light Healing
SIPS Classes