LEAP Class Descriptions

Simply the Brain: Introduction to the Brain

2 days
Prerequisites: NK PoK, TFH 1-4, or other Kinesiology courses that will give you strong corrective techniques 

At the end of this course, the participant will be able to:

  • Describe the areas of the brain, with specific emphasis on the cortex and limbic system
  • Discuss the function of the cerebral cortex
  • Discuss the lobes of the brain and the function of each
  • Discuss the lateralisation of the cerebral hemispheres
  • Describe and list the functions of the following areas of the brain:
    • Cerebral cortex
    • Limbic system
    • Cerebellum
    • Amygdala
    • Locus Coeruleus
    • Bed Nucleus of the Stria Terminalis
  • Describe factors that impact on brain function
  • Demonstrate the brain format set-up and evaluation process
  • Demonstrate how to set up a Kinesiology session to balance the Amygdala, Stria Terminalis and Locus Coeruleus with emotions

Brain Integration 1
Neuronal Cell Integration

5 days
Prerequisites: NK PoK, TFH 1-4, or other Kinesiology courses that will give you strong corrective techniques 

LEAP teaches you how to access, format and work with Specific Learning dysfunction but requires you to utilize your repertoire of skills for correction.

Brain Integration 1 includes:

  • An introduction to Brain structure and function.
  • Gestalt and Logic “Lead” functions.
  • The Amygdala Fear/Pain Control Circuit (our Survival Circuits).
  • Deep Survival Switching – the cause of delayed language development, Psychological Reversals and Conflicts.
  • Blocked Corpus Callosum and other Commissural Pathways that can cause the loss of Brain Integration and affect our ability to resolve challenges rather than react to them.
  • Hippocampus – seat of our short term memory and learning.
  • Celestial Circuit – under stress, we sometime split off or dissociate so it can be difficult to locate imbalances. Aligns all of our energy structures so we balance to a core stable energy system.


Brain Integration 1B
Glial Cell Integration

4 days
Prerequisite: Brain Integration 1

There are only two cell types in the Nervous System – Glial Cells & Neurons. While Glial Cells out-number Neurons by 40 to 100 times, it was believed they only provided a matrix and passive support for Neuron function, and Neurons did all the Neurotransmission!  However, recent discoveries show that the Glial Cells – the other half of the Nervous System – are actively involved in Neurotransmission as well as Neurons!

Now research has exploded showing in detail the exact nature of the powerful role Glial Cells play in Neurotransmission, causing a revolution in our understanding of this essential process – a true Paradigm Shift in our understanding of Neurotransmission. Even now, most recent neurology texts only hint at this revolution and are still dominated by the Neuron Doctrine that states categorically that Neurons are the total basis of Neurotransmission!

In this class you will learn the Glial cells are involved in:

  • Forming the Blood Brain Barrier
  • Scarring – a possible cause for epileptic seizures
  • Environmental toxins and brain reactions
  • Memory set down and loss
  • Our brain immune system
  • Brain environmental regulation
  • Brain tumours and other imbalances in the brain
  • Cerebro spinal fluid production and distribution
  • Cerebro spinal fluid Brain Barrier – did you even know we have one… and why?!
  • Transduction of mental decisions into neuronal action
  • Peripheral Nervous system nerve repair and wound healing
  • Myelination in the Peripheral and Central Nervous Systems – the basis of Multiple Sclerosis and other neurological disorders when things go wrong
  • Hormone effects on our brain, including adolescence and menopause
  • Emotional, short and long term stress effects on Glial Cell Neurotransmission
  • Control of which neurons fire and their speed providing brain synchrony – the basis of Brain Integration
  • …plus much more!!

Condensing the understanding of this new knowledge, Dr. Charles Krebs developed, along with Ian Stubbings, formatting for the Glial Cells, and worked out its application to the Second half of Brain Integration! It turns out that Glial Cell Integration and Neuronal Integration are totally separate functions – yet extensively interact! So you can have 100% Neuronal Integration and little Glial Cell Integration or vice versa. Up to this point, LEAP had only been doing Neuronal Integration when both Neuronal & Glial Cell Integration is complete – you get some truly remarkable results not possible before!

Brain Integration 2
Survival Systems of the Brain

6 days
Prerequisites: Brain Integration 1, SIPS 1  and 2

LEAP® (Learning Enhancement Advanced Program) is a program that enhances brain function, learning and all areas of performance.  The foundation of all high level performance and learning is integrated brain function because the brain is a multi-modular structure “bound” together functionally by synchronized timing of neural activity.  Performance of any mental activity can be considered the “symphony of thought”.  Like an orchestra of many musical instruments, the output of each brain module has to be precisely “timed” to prevent the symphony of mental function from turning into the cacophony or noise of dysfunction.

The purpose of LEAP® Brain Integration is to re-establish the synchronised timing of brain activity to bring function back “on-line” in areas where it may have become lost due to stress, or was never properly established in the first place (e.g. children with learning problems).  This loss of Brain Integration and thus function may be only situational, causing difficulty and stress performing certain functions in specific situations or circumstances (e.g. stage fright), or it may be ongoing as in the case of Specific Learning Difficulties.

Correction of this loss of timing of synchronized brain function that blocks our true potential is a two step process:

1) The state of integrated brain function must first be established; and

2) That integrated state must then be challenged with a particular task to see if it can be maintained under the “stress” of performing that task.  When Brain Integration is held, we maintain a high level of performance, but when it is lost we suddenly become dysfunctional resulting in decreased performance and increased levels of stress.


The Next Step – Going Deeper into the Survival Systems of the Brain

  • Core Concepts of Neurology & Neurophysiology of the Reticular Activating System.
  • Kinesiological Formats for the Reticular Nuclei.
  • Core Concepts of Neurology & Neurophysiology of: the Brainstem & Brainstem Nuclei.
  • PAG (Periaquaductal Grey Matter) the seat of the Proto-self.
  • PVG (Periventricular Grey Matter) & Deeper Brainstem Switching.
  • Vestibular System: the Vestibular Apparatus & Nuclei & their role the control of Posture and Equilibrium.
  • Pontine & Parabrachial Nuclei: the Emotional & Mental Relays.
  • Core Concepts of Neurology & Neurophysiology of the Cerebellum & Deep Cerebellar Nuclei.
  • Evolution of the Cerebellum.
  • Cerebellum and Motor function.
  • Cerebellar Connectivity.
  • Deep Cerebellar Nuclei: Structure and Function.
  • Sensory & Motor Spinal Tracts.
  • Kinesiological Formatting for all of the above and how they inter-relate.
  • Applications of Brainstem & Cerebellar formatting in Clinical Situations.
  • The Emotional & Mental Modulatory Circuits of the brain.
  • The 3 Pillars

LEAP Environmental Factors

6 days
Prerequisites: Brain Integration 1 and 2

Brain Integration is essential for any person to perform at their optimum, as loss of integrated brain function underlies all dysfunction both physical and psycho-emotional. In LEAP® Brain Integration 1, the primary factors causing on-going loss of Brain Integration were addressed – Deep Switching and Commissural blocks preventing Right – Left Hemispheric Integration. However, there are a number of Environmental Factors that may also cause the loss of Brain Integration, even in an otherwise well integrated brain.

Thus, unless these Environmental Factors are detected and balanced, every time you are in the presence of any one of these factors, you will suffer some degree of loss of Brain Integration. With factors like Candida and Vaccination stresses, this loss of Brain Integration may be on-going, compromising your optimum function much of the time. Other factors like specific allergens or dehydration will cause loss of Brain Integration on a more situational basis, but may still be important for optimum function.

Each Environmental Factor is first described and discussed from the physiological perspective of what it is, and how it affects brain function. This is then followed by in-depth procedures to balance these factors, allowing you to now be in the presence of these factors and maintain your full Brain Integration.

What You will Learn:

  • How Diet & Nutritional Status Affects Behaviour & BI
  • How to Assess and Correct Primary Dehydration affecting BI
  • How to Assess and Correct “Hidden” Dehydration affecting BI
  • How to Assess and Correct Electromagnetic Factors Affecting BI
  • How to Assess and Correct Allergies & Sensitivities Affecting BI
  • How to Assess and Correct Vaccination Stress Affecting BI
  • How to Assess and Correct Candida Affecting BI
  • How to Assess and Correct Geopathic Factors Affecting BI
  • How to Assess and Correct Extraneous Factors Affecting BI

Balancing these important environmental factors often changes people’s lives! The workshop is worth it just for the very successful Candida balance alone. The workshop includes Dr. Krebs’ latest book – Nutrition for the Brain – Feeding your Brain for Optimum Mental Performance. This book will be used as the textbook for the diet and nutritional section of the course.

Brain Integration 3
The Auditory & Visual Systems and Body Co-ordination

6 days
Prerequisites: Brain Integration 1 and 2

  • Core Concepts of Neurology and Neurophysiology of the Limbic System
  • Core Concepts of Neurology involved in the Visual & Auditory Systems
  • Kinesiology Formats for important Limbic components involved in Visual and Auditory processing
  • Kinesiology Formats for important Brainstem Areas supporting Visual & Auditory Processing: The Retina, Cochlear Apparatus, Colliculi and Geniculate Nuclei
  • Repatterning and Assigning BI Exercises
  • The Brain Integration Correction Protocol
  • Applications of the above Formatting in Clinical Situations

BI 3 also looks at the metaphysical aspects of both what we are and are not looking at and listening to in our lives and how this may create major problems in how we see and hear people and circumstances around us.

Brain Integration 4

5 days
Prerequisites: Brain Integration 1-3

Core Concepts of Neurology of the Memory and Working Memory Systems:

  • Kinesiological Formats for Limbic and Cortical areas involved in Memory
  • The Reward & Punishment Systems controlling Memory
  • The Brain Integration Correction Protocol, including the Memory Systems
  • Application of the BI Correction Protocol to correct Auditory & Visual Short-term Memories
  • Applications of the above Formatting in Clinical Situations

Note: Please bring along your kinesiology support and correction material, including LEAP BI protocols, scan sheets and handouts.

Brain Integration 5
LEAP Learning

6 days
Prerequisites: Brain Integration 1-4

What you will learn:

  • Assessment and Correction of Specific Learning Difficulties with the Brain Integration Correction Protocol
  • Understanding How the Brain Learns
  • Review of Anatomy & Physiology of the Brain
  • Core Concepts of the Cognitive Functions underlying Reading, Writing, Spelling & Mathematics
  • Understanding Perceptual – Motor Development – How to know what Problems need to be addressed
  • Review of A & P of Memory Systems

How to Assess and Correct:

  • Auditory Short-term Memory
  • Visual Short-term Memory
  • Visuospatial skills underlying reasoning
  • Alphabet/Numbers and Writing
  • Reading: Scotopic Sensitivity and Eusophoria
  • Reading: Coloured Gel Procedure
  • Reading Comprehension
  • Spelling: A Visual Protocol for Spelling
  • Mathematics
  • Defusing Negative Attitudes affecting Performance and Learning
  • Defusing Negative Attitudes affecting Self Confidence & Self Esteem

We will also look at:

Cortico-Cerebellar Loops for Visualization – allows you to now make pictures in your mind’s eye & Verbal Concept Formation Circuit for Mathematics. If this circuit is off you just cannot make concepts, and Math is totally conceptual: e.g. a 1 is a real thing, and a 2 is 2-real things (these are Concrete aspects – can be represented by the number 1 or 1-finger or 2-fingers), but what is ½ – a one over a two – it has no meaning in the concrete world, as it is only the concept for the half of anything! This is why in Math so many students “hit the wall” at fractions – as it is an abstract Concept!