Segment 1
- Read and study Meridian360 Energy Kinesiology Glossary – Segment 1 [ddownload id=”3544″]
- Anatomy and physiology to read and videos to watch:
- Body videos applicable to each alarm point (heart, lung, liver, gall bladder, etc)
- Spinal nerves video
- Anatomical position, terms and relationships video
- Anatomical muscle overview (muscles and bones, origin, insertion, range of motion, ect from non-kinesiological perspective)
- Complete Anatomy videos for all 21 muscles
Assignments Turned in at Start of Segment 2
- Meridian360 Energy Kinesiology glossary worksheet
- Anatomical position, terms and relationships worksheet
- Muscle worksheet (muscles and bones, origin, insertion, range of motion)
- Muscle coloring sheets, with muscle names written in
- Viewing date log of when 20 Body Anatomy videos and 21 Muscle Anatomy videos were watched [ddownload id=”3532″]
- Body system description sheet, with issues people may experience if those systems have issues.