
What is Formatting

Formatting is a way of working with the body that lets us specify very precise information in a way that the body clearly and exactly understands. There is no confusion, ambiguity, or room for misinterpretation.

It allows a kinesiologist to access very precise stresses.  It acts like a translator.


Why Do We Need Formatting

If we say “kitchen” each person reading this pictures a different thing – probably their own kitchen.

⇒ Yours might be beautiful with full counters and breakfast bar
⇒ A college student’s might be a card table
Grizzly Adams’ a campfire
⇒ A traveling salesman’s the breakfast bar at Holiday Inn
The same concept applies when a practitioner is trying to interact with the body during energy work.

Different Types of Formatting

Formatting can be done in different ways – each with its own advantages and limitations.

Performed by pushing, pulling, stretching, rubbing, tugging, or otherwise physically activating a body part.  Doing so clearly activates a powerful range of stresses relative to the actions performed.

Pros: It is great for accessing stresses specific to physical discomfort.  It can also access emotional stresses and energy flow imbalances.

Cons:  Physical formatting is limited though in accessing more esoteric stresses, complex emotional stresses lacking any physical component, physical issues that are hard to physically activate (like internal body parts), and etheric aspects of physical issues

Performed by simply speaking words and focusing the bodies awareness to what has been said.

Pros:  Its strength is that it is very simple to use and flexible in that it can address a wide range of issues.

Cons: Unfortunately, words can be very nebulous to the body because many concepts are too ambiguous to really translate into words as speech is a secondary construct to how we really experience things.  Even simple concepts like ‘bone’ suffer this, as the body can interpret that to mean different bones, different parts of a specific bone, bone metabolism, inclusion or exclusion of things located physically in the bone but not made of “bone”, etc.  In order to really use verbal formatting appropriately, there are very structured rules that need to be followed to make verbal formatting effective.  Unless a practitioner knows these and how to support the body in it, it has limited value.

Performed by using a combination of hand modes and acupoints that energetically and universally identify specific frequencies in the body. 

Pros:  This combination tends to be very precise and clear to the body as it is being received at the energetic level in the body, without needing any translation.  Its greatest strengths are the level of absolute precise specificity it can provide, and that quite esoteric and complex concepts can be easily accessed.

Cons:  The primary challenge with it is the level of training and knowledge necessary to be able to work with it.  This is the type of formatting typically used most of the time by more advanced Meridian360 students, as it tends to be by far the most powerful.

Examples of Things That Can Be Etherically Formatted:

  • Langerhan cells in skin (part of your immune system)
  • Specific chromosomal regions, such as chromosome 4q13.2
  • Frontal sinus
  • Specific enzymes, such as Inositol 3-methyltransferase
  • Specific nutritional components, such as Arachidonic Acid
  • Specific neurotransmitters, such as Dopamine
  • Polio Virus Type 1
  • Toxins, such as FD&C Yellow 6 Food Color
  • Hormones, such as Adrenaline
  • Neck of the pancreas
  • Specific muscles, such as Latissimus Dorsi
  • Specific brain locations, such as the Hippocampus (or more specific parts like the Subiculum, CA1, CA2, or Dendate Gyrus)
  • Menstrual cycle, or specific stages ​(Follicular, Ovulation, Luteal, Premenstrual, Menstrual)


Examples of Experiences or Processes That Can Be Etherically Formatted Include:

  • Betrayal
  • Denial as a defense mechanism in the limbic (emotional) brain
  • Gestational stress
  • Inability to forget something
  • How subconsciously modeling someone else influences your personality
  • Active transport of stuff across the cell membrane

Proper formatting is one of the reasons why the work of Meridian360 students can be so powerful.

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